Eternal Destinies: A Comparative Analysis of Eschatological Perspectives in Islam and Hinduism

Author Details

Sana Rizwan Khan, Md.Yousuf Ali

Journal Details


Published: 6 January 2025 | Article Type : Review Article


This research paper provides an in-depth analysis of eschatological viewpoints within Islam and Hinduism, delving into both their differences and similarities in terms of the afterlife, judgment, and salvation. In Islam, a linear eschatological paradigm is presented, which signifies a Day of Judgment where individuals are either rewarded with Paradise or Hell based on their deeds in the worldly life and their belief. On the other hand, Hinduism offers a cyclical understanding of existence, wherein a soul reincarnates driven by karma until it achieves moksha, which is the liberation from the cycle of rebirth. Despite their distinct eschatological perspectives, both faiths aim to address the ultimate fate of the soul and the moral implications of human actions. By drawing parallels between these two religious traditions, this study seeks to enhance the comprehension of how diverse theological contexts contribute to shaping beliefs about the destiny of the soul. Moreover, the examination of these eschatological viewpoints provides valuable insights into the broader understanding of spiritual and moral implications in both Islam and Hinduism.

Keywords: Eschatology, Comparative Studies, Islam, Hinduism.

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Volume & Issue

Article Type

Review Article

How to Cite


Sana Rizwan Khan, Md.Yousuf Ali. (2025-01-06). "Eternal Destinies: A Comparative Analysis of Eschatological Perspectives in Islam and Hinduism." *Volume 7*, 1, 1-10